Microbiological Testing Services

Drinking Water

Drinking water in Australia and New Zealand must not contain detectable levels of E. coli. In New Zealand, the Water Services Act 2021 mandates that all water suppliers meet Drinking Water Standards. The Drinking Water Quality Assurance Rules include essential tests like E.coli monitoring.

Similarly, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council’s Drinking Water Guidelines set forth water quality standards, emphasising E.coli testing.

We adhere to standards in both countries, ensuring early detection and risk mitigation in water quality

Environmental Water

Monitoring water quality for E. coli is vital in Australia and New Zealand, not just for compliance but for safeguarding community and ecosystem health. It’s a key marker for detecting faecal contamination, which may introduce harmful pathogens.

Bactosure assists in adhering to the Australian & New Zealand water quality guidelines and the National Policy Statement Freshwater Management 2020, ensuring water safety against bacterial contaminants.

Our services include advanced E. coli and coliform testing in environmental waters, aligning with regional regulations for water discharge.

Agricultural Water

Groundwater and surface water are crucial for agriculture and livestock, necessitating stringent water testing to avoid contamination.

Adhering to the Australian & New Zealand water quality guidelines, we ensure water safety for irrigation and livestock, meeting specific E. coli and coliform thresholds.

Bactosure specialises in agricultural water testing, including E. coli and total coliform assessments, to support compliance with these guidelines.

Waste Water

Wastewater testing is essential for identifying contamination from various sources, ensuring compliance with the Resource Management Act 1991 and safeguarding public health.

The Australian National Recycling Guidelines mandate no detectable levels of E. coli in recycled water. Bactosure specialises in monitoring the water quality of discharges.

Our advanced technology provides precise and rapid testing for wastewater, aligning with the guidelines for New Zealand Wastewater Monitoring Guidelines and  Australian National Recycling Guidelines.