
Welcome to Bactosure, please complete the following steps to get started:

Step 1: Setup the Bactosure Account

Go to and login with the provided credentials.

Once, you have logged in, follow the steps:

Add Users

  • Navigate to the Users tab and Click Add User
  • Fill in the required details. Note: Role will be Mobile User.
  • Click Add User to complete adding yourself as a user
Step 2: Watch the Training Videos

Before starting the sample collection process, it is advisable to watch our training videos:


Note: If you are doing sample collection for the first time, make sure to take notes as you will be answering a quiz later on.

Step 3: Download the App

Click here


Go to Google Play Store and Search Bactosure.

Step 4: Setup the Bactosure App

After you have downloaded the app, login with the same credentials you have used to add a user.

You will be prompted with a 15 questions quiz to test your knowledge of sample collection. Once you have completed it follow the quick step flowchart to start the sample collection.